Sunday, 7 November 2010


My Mum brought over some books today - one that I'd asked her to dig out that I remember leafing through as a teenager, and one I've never seen before.

They're both from the 70's and the soft toy one is so battered all the pages have fallen out (I had to organize them before flicking through).  They're part of my current mission - to do some of my crafts while the kids are around.  Until recently I've always done my all my craft work after they've gone to bed, but after reading some Waldorf material about handwork a couple of months ago, I realised I was encouraging them to be arty-crafty when as far as they were concerned I never did anything like that.  So my aim now is to always have a project or two on the go that I can work on during the day.  I think a bit of sewing and toy making is in my future!

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