Wednesday 10 November 2010


Today I decided to do some bog-standard painting with Riley.  No plan of a finished result, not even a selection of seasonal colours, I just gave him a sheet of paper and let him pick two colours of paint.

It was all going well......... and then he got a tiny bit of paint on his finger.  I dabbed it off on his paper fingerpainting style, and suddenly he was fascinated.  And suddenly I realised we haven't done any fingerpainting for ages - not since before Freya was born!  How terrible is that?!  So with not really very much encouragement he was off, painting his hand with gusto and splatting it down.

It was far more interesting than 'normal' painting.  The finished results: (the oringinal looks kind of glittery - its not - its just the lights.  We're taking a mini glitter break as I'm still finding it in the kitchen!)

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